I just turned 40 over a month ago. They say life begins at this age but it is also at this midlife that health problems start to manifest. It is very important that we are watchful because if not, we will begin to feel the pain not only on the body but also in the purse.
I’m not really a health buff type with the great curves and abs. In fact, I think I’m overweight. The last time I’ve weighed on a scale, I’m already at 175 lbs. I think that’s over the right weight for me. I’m 5’10” in height, which is tall for an average Filipino but I have a problem with mobility. Thus, I could not burn the calories. Well, even if I want to, it is difficult for me because of movement restraints due to paralysis. I know that there are body builders on wheelchair but my condition is more severe than theirs. It’s almost impossible to trim down excess fats from a wheel chair in my case.
Fortunately, Mom has a glucose meter and a BP (blood pressure) kit at home. I could check myself too and based on the latest result, I’m diabetic and slowly developing hypertension perhaps, because of obesity as seen on my bulging belly, although, I’m not yet a morbid case.
But before things get out of hand, I’ve got to start trimming down my extra fats even while on my wheel chair. I’ve seen exercise techniques that would be doable for a paralytic like me; I just need to make an extra effort. More than that, I’m starting to cut down on rice, fatty foods and sweets. I’ve stopped eating chocolates and drinking soft drinks during snack. I’m preparing a good and reasonable diet plan that would give enough calories for the day. My goal is to shred off at least 20 lbs for the next six months. I guess, that’s reasonable besides, it’s difficult to move if you’re too heavy.
I also intend to submit this blog post for One Year, Thirty Pounds, A Few Steps Back and Ten Steps Forward blogging contest. It’s a contest about your weight loss or health and fitness goal for this year and how do you intend to achieve it. It’s by Fat Girl No More. Read her weight loss success story because it’s absolutely inspiring.